Let’s play!
p98a TYPOMEMO is a typographic game for type designers and everybody else who loves type.
The game shows a large selection of the wood and metal type we’re having here at p98a and can be played in two ways:
1. A pair consists of two characters of the same typeface: Bodoni „&“ and „i“.
2. A pair consists of two of the same characters: Bodoni „&“ and Tannenberg „&“.
All cards are placed face down on the table. The player whose turn it is uncovers two cards. If the two cards make a pair, the player gets to keep them and has another turn. If they do not match, the cards are returned to their place face down and it’sthe next player’s turn. The player with the most pairs wins.
The cards and the package of this game are printed letterpress from Polymer Plates by Die Lettertypen in Adlershof on an Original Heidelberger Zylinder.